Harnessing safety and security for your family home
A house is not a home if it isn't safe. Locks and keys are are simple, but extremely effective security measures - the first line of defence against the outside world. Cameras, sensors and alarms are simply not as effective when locks are compromised.
In this article, we look at the difference between replacing your locks and having them re-keyed. We also discuss why you should call a locksmith if your locks have been damaged, the occupancy of your property has changed, or you have concerns for your home security.
Do you think it's time for a closer look at the locks around your home? Lockmart delivers fast and efficient locksmith services, from changing locks, to re-keying, to advanced security solutions. Get in touch with our friendly team, and arrange an appointment with our highly trained locksmiths.
Changing locks versus Re-keying
There are two options when it comes to basic home security: changing locks, or re-keying. Both have their advantages. Completely changing locks is a comprehensive, but more expensive locksmith service. Re-keying is cheaper and only takes a few minutes to complete.
Changing locks is self explanatory - the entire lock of a door is replaced, and a new set of keys is cut by your locksmith.
Re-keying is the process whereby a lock is made to fit a new key, without having to completely replace the lock. The lock is taken apart, and the tumblers within are replace. A new key is then cut.
1. Lock or key damage
Compromised locks and keys can be frustrating. If they are difficult to open and close, they can make you late. If they are completely damaged, they can present a liability to your home security.
Locks and keys are used frequently around the home. Heavy use means that they are subject to depreciation, just like any other mechanism.
Re-keying can solve minimal damage, while lock replacement can provide you with new keys and locks in the event of extensive damage.
If you're looking to move away from traditional lock and key mechanisms, Lockmart can provide a range of new security technologies as part of our locksmith services, including:
2. Family transitions
There are several reasons why homeowners would consider hiring a locksmith to change the locks. Living situations change, and keys can easily go missing along the way.
Children grow up and move out, and sometimes come back. If your home is a transient place, it's wise to have your locks changed or re-keyed every 10 years or so.
It can be a hard decision, but family breakdowns like separation, divorce, and domestic violence may necessitate re-keying or changing locks.
3. Change in rental occupancy
If you own an investment property, it is your duty of care to provide a safe and secure environment for your tenants. Whenever a change in occupancy occurs, you must consider who has access to the property.
Due to the short term nature of rental properties, landlords should re-key or change the locks once every few years, or at the end of a long term lease.
Real estate agents, tradespeople and cleaners may also have access to your keys, so it pays to have a running tab on who has access outside of the occupants of the property.
4. New stages of life
As families grow and change, so do their needs. Security measures are no different, and need to be addressed every few years to ensure that the family is safe and secure at all times.
A locksmith service can help you safely move into a new home, or into to a new area. If you are unfamiliar with the neighbourhood, re-key or replace your locks as soon as possible.
If you've recently had children, you know that their safety is paramount. If you think your home is lacking in security, contact a locksmith service for advice on the best steps to take.
5. Burglary
Did you know that 20.3% of Australian homes have been burgled at some point? If your home has been burgled, it becomes a prime candidate for an opportunistic thief to return and make another run at your personal property.
Damaged locks can easily be destroyed in the process of a break and enter. New locks and rekeying can prevent this.
If car keys, house keys, or garage keys have gone missing, you should assume that your home is compromised.
Security makes for a safe home. If you think it's time for an update, get in touch with Lockmart. Our professional locksmiths can advise you on the right security solutions to make you home safer and more secure.